Academic Pest Control


Schools, daycare, and other academic environments require special precautions especially when young children are in attendance.

Our technicians follow the Healthy Schools Act protocols and receive annual training by the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

It is Artec's policy to follow IPM protocols by using the least toxic pest management practices in order to reduce children's exposure to toxic pesticides at schoolsites as required by California Food and Agricultural Code: Section 13182.



Healthcare Pest Control


Hospitals, urgent care, clinics, long-term care and rehabilitation facilities are all subject to health threats through the spread of bacteria and contamination of surfaces, medical supplies and equipment.

Artec offers specialized I.P.M programs designed specifically for the healthcare environment. We work with your facilities professionals and administrators to maintain a healthy facility for both your patients and staff.

We also offer medical grade electrostatic disinfection service for sanitizing and eliminating pathegens including COVID-19.



Laboratory Pest Control


Integrated Pest Management is an important part of managing a laboratory facility. Many pests can transmit disease pathogens and compromise the research environment.

To control pests and minimize the use of pesticides, it is necessary to employ a comprehensive program approach that integrates inspection, record keeping, housekeeping, maintenance, and pest control services.

This approach to pest control is achieved through proactive operational and administrative intervention strategies to correct conditions that foster pest problems.



Government Pest Control


Government facilities also require Integrated Pest Management for pest control and often have special requirements.

These facilities include municipal office buildings, law enforcement centers, courthouses, jails, government centers, research facilities, County-owned buildings, etc.

Artec can provide total pest control solutions for any type of government facility and is registered with to expedite our response time.

Contact Us

Artec Pest Control is available 24/7 for all of your pest control needs in Santa Clara, San Mateo, and Alameda counties.


3050 Little Wood Ln, San Jose, CA, 95127

Phone Number

(408) 498-PEST